

  • 8
  • 公司认证: 营业执照已认证
  • 企业性质:私营企业
  • 公司地址: 山东省 济南 天桥区 天桥东街街道 济南市天桥区泉胜物流C区33-35号
  • 姓名: 魏衍安
  • 认证: 手机未认证 身份证未认证 微信未绑定



  • 所属行业:物流 陆路运输
  • 发布日期:2018-05-04
  • 阅读量:223
  • 价格:面议
  • 产品规格:不限
  • 产品数量:356545.00 台
  • 包装说明:不限
  • 发货地址:山东济南天桥区天桥东街街道  
  • 关键词:济南至忻州货运,济南至忻州货运公司,济南至忻州货运公司哪家好


    增值物流效劳 物流增值效劳是指[font face=Verdana]在完结物流根底使命上,依据客户需求供给的各种延伸事务活动,为客户供给其它效劳性的项目.
    Value-added logistics service logistics value-added service is the [font face=Verdana] in the end of the mission of the logistics base, according to the customer needs of the various extended transaction activities, providing other services for customers.
    The content of value-added logistics service mainly includes:
    (1) add convenience to service;
    (2) to accelerate the efficiency of the reaction speed;
    (3) to reduce the cost of the cost;
    (4)延伸效劳。 [编辑本段]第三方物流增值效劳概述   第三方物流鼓起的原因
    (4) extend service. [edit this paragraph] third party logistics value-added service overview of the third party logistics reasons
    (1) reduce the cost of homework. Enquiries show that there is a great distance between China and developed countries in terms of logistics cost, turnover speed and industrialization. In the domestic market, the cost of logistics has already accounted for 20% - 40% of the total cost of the products, of which the loss is about 15 billion yuan per year due to the packing, and the loss of the contract is 50 billion yuan due to the loading and unloading and transportation. The logistics cost is high at 3 billion yuan because of the loss of storage. Generally speaking, the third party logistics can consider the owner of goods to drop about 10% of the cost. At present, the developed countries in Europe and the United States account for about 10% of the logistics related GDP.
    (2) focus on central affairs. The enterprise outsourcing logistics related affairs can focus on the central business, and then concentrate on the professional category to enhance the competitiveness of the central business.
    (3) use the advanced skills of the third party logistics to reduce capital contributions. The high power of logistics operation depends on the advanced equipment and information management system. The use of the third party logistics can greatly reduce the huge amount of capital invested by enterprises in this field. According to the data, 74% of the third party logistics purchase logistics skills and equipment, the barcode system cost a uniform annual cost of $1 million 80 thousand, the annual cost of the software is $610 thousand, communication and search equipment cost about 400 thousand dollars in the previous year.
    Value-added service of third party logistics
    Supply the third party logistics value-added service enterprises:
    (1) ability to handle skills: the ability to handle skills of the third party logistics enterprises is the best ability to show their professional level. The system planning ability, individual service ability, information system service ability and network coverage are the important elements of the resolution of the third party logistics value-added service breadth and depth.
    (2) efficient operational power: the fundamental way for the third party logistics providers to create value for their customers is to reach higher operational power than the customers, and to provide higher service cost ratio. The progress of operation power means that the third party logistics can satisfy the customers' needs with lower cost in the fundamental activities of logistics, such as warehousing, transportation, distribution and so on, which depends on the logistics companies to meet the efficient equipment and skilled operation skills. In addition to operational skills, there is also a need for effective coordination and communication skills, and coordination and communication skills are largely related to information skills. A perfect and efficient logistics information system can greatly improve the handling of power and work power, and then save capital and add benefits.
    (3) integration of multi customer operation channels: the other element of the value-added of the third party logistics is to fully use the channels of multi customer operation, to integrate the resource of the channel, or to share the resources among the customers. For example, the integrated storage or transport network of multiple customers can cut peak and fill the valley, make the process of logistics smooth, reduce the cost and danger, and obtain higher economic benefits after integration. Therefore, the planning benefit of integrated operation can get higher value than other resources, and then create value-added benefits.
    The third party logistics is the operation form of logistics service supplied by the supplier and the third party outside the demand side -- the logistics enterprise supply logistics service. Because it can make the enterprise disconnect the bound of the logistics to the enterprise to a certain extent and concentrate on the central business, it has been widely welcomed, but the third party logistics center and its emphasis on logistics integration are the key points. In the actual operation, it completes the value added of the single logistics service, the plan to complete the overall value-added logistics service - the fourth party logistics, become the new trend of logistics.

    欢迎来到济南焱安物流有限公司网站, 具体地址是山东省济南天桥区济南市天桥区泉胜物流C区33-35号,联系人是魏衍安。 主要经营济南焱安物流(济南到阳泉,济南到太原)是一家专业从事道路货物运输的公司,公司人员持有*的物流师资格证书。公司位于济南市天桥区泉胜物流C区33-35号,地处京福、济青高速来往车辆必经之地,主营济南到山西太原,阳泉,寿阳,榆次,交城,中转山西全境,我公司备有4.2米----9.6米高栏货车6部,专线往返,公司员工共同努力,团结奋进,服务热情,赢得了济南,山西多家客户的信任,建立了良好的业务关系。。 单位注册资金单位注册资金人民币 500 - 1000 万元。 我门公司主要的服务有:济南到阳泉专线,济南到阳泉物流专线,济南到阳泉专线物流,济南到阳泉专线公司,济南到太原专线物流,为您提供诚信、安全、高效的优质物流服务!更大程度降低您的物流成本。欢迎您致电咨询!